Endless Runner mini Game

This is my first unity project. I decided to create an endless runner game (pretty typical ik!).
However, I think it was a great start point for learning Unity. I'm gonna edit this and make it more interesting.
I also plan on learning more Unity and creating compelling projects! You can access my files here.

WPF Library Project


I'm making this new app with my friend Fatemeh using WPF to manage a library's database.
Basically you can add memebers, books, borrow, return and everything related.
I post the updates on this repository.

Preview Video

C# Exercises

IMDB Project

I am practising C# and thesse are my most interesting mini-projects:

  • Book Store
  • Shop Management Program

    Shopping App

  • IMDB(I really enjoyed coding this one!)
  • Sudoku
  • Small Employee Management System
I post them on this repository.
Feel free if you want to clone the repository!